Illustration: André Liegl

Welcome back, assuming that you were, like so many of us, out of town for summer. As you probably have noticed in the last month, things are getting a little darker and a little more chilly than they were earlier on this year. Festivals are over and going out starts to sound less tempting than it did only a month ago.

You probably are already snuggled up on a couch and thinking why on earth should I not binge watch my favourite TV show. Speaking of which: „Winter is coming“! But unlike the TV counterpart, in real life we know exactly when and where. It is here and now. But before we let you off the hook, here are a few good things to do in Darmstadt before you have to do the obligatory Christmas/Season visit at your parents‘ place.

If you are into outdoor activities of any kind in any weather, try flying a kite in Herrngarten or on the hills of Eberstadt. If you catch a nice weekend, take a bus to one of the little villages in the Odenwald and enjoy spectacular hikes under golden leaves. If that is too far and too active for you: The hardcore Boule gamers meet on Mathildenhoehe to enjoy last rounds before rain or snow block Darmstadt’s main event arena.

The music clubs have opened their doors for you (and will shut them behind you, DRAFT). To find the right place to go, check our humble magazine including its calendar or the worshipped webpage Oh, oh, yes classic rainy day thing, if you like traditional board gaming but get too bored playing against yourself, try the cafe Gastspielhaus at Riegerplatz in Martinsviertel.

Next time we will cover Punk and Trash from BKS to SK to OV and what that means. For now keep it together, blow your mind, not your head.

